Home Entertainment Lisa Snowdon bravely details her ‘many fertility struggles’ after suffering devastating miscarriage

Lisa Snowdon bravely details her ‘many fertility struggles’ after suffering devastating miscarriage



Lisa Snowdon bravely discussed her ‘many fertility struggles’ during an appearance on Lorraine on Tuesday. 

The TV and radio presenter, 51, revealed she suffered a devastating miscarriage live on air after a violent attack from an abusive ex boyfriend.

Speaking on the incident, Lisa told ITV host Lorraine: ‘I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding but I had to keep going. I’d never spoken about that, my many struggles with fertility. But you have to be positive.’ 

Lisa opens up about her past in her new book, Just Getting Started, revealing that one ex left her with life-long injuries and scoliosis. 

In quotes obtained by The Sun, she recalled being left with a black eye, broken arm and bruises from her attacker when she was just 19-years-old.

Opening up: Lisa Snowdon bravely discussed her 'many fertility struggles' during an appearance on Lorraine on Tuesday

Opening up: Lisa Snowdon bravely discussed her ‘many fertility struggles’ during an appearance on Lorraine on Tuesday

She wrote: ‘He would hold me up against a wall, both of his hands around my throat, my feet dangling off the ground and squeeze my neck and strangle me until I thought I would die.’

After falling pregnant, Lisa explained she made the difficult decision to terminate the pregnancy, not wishing to bring a child into the world ‘with a father like that.’ 

She told Lorraine: ‘It didn’t feel right. It was the wrong relationship, sometimes I look back and think what if. But I didn’t want to be attached to that person.’

Lisa detailed how she later suffered at the hands of another boyfriend after managing to escape her previous relationship.

Aged 41, the TV personality found out she was expecting again, however was stuck in a cycle of dating ‘inappropriate men.’

Lisa said how early scans had revealed the baby’s heartbeat was faint and it wasn’t growing as it should.

Devastatingly she recalled being ‘violently attacked’ by her partner and as she headed into work suffered a miscarriage on air.

‘I am convinced the reason for my miscarriage was yes, partly due to the egg quality, but also because my partner had attacked me in the street the night before, shaking me violently and throwing me up against some metal shop-front shutters,’ she said.

Lisa’s new book aims to help other women, especially those who are going through menopause, she spoke out on the stigma of talking about the menopause and taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as treatment recently.

She explained: ‘I want women to realise we can own our lives. Menopause can be a blip and then we can move on.

‘I didn’t expect the book to be so personal but it just flowed out of me. I needed to process things. My darkest point I was so low and now I know that was my hormones but it was also stuff from the past I needed to process.’

Awful: The TV and radio presenter, 51, revealed she suffered a devastating miscarriage live on air after a violent attack from an abusive ex boyfriend

Awful: The TV and radio presenter, 51, revealed she suffered a devastating miscarriage live on air after a violent attack from an abusive ex boyfriend

Speaking on the incident, Lisa told ITV host Lorraine: 'I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding but I had to keep going. I'd never spoken about that, my many struggles with fertility. But you have to be positive.'

Speaking on the incident, Lisa told ITV host Lorraine: ‘I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding but I had to keep going. I’d never spoken about that, my many struggles with fertility. But you have to be positive.’

Brave: Lisa opens up about her past in her new book, Just Getting Started, revealing that one ex left her with life-long injuries and scoliosis

Brave: Lisa opens up about her past in her new book, Just Getting Started, revealing that one ex left her with life-long injuries and scoliosis

In an interview with Women’s Health UK , the TV and radio presenter reflected on how she managed her symptoms after she went into perimenopause aged 44.

She told how HRT ‘really helped’ her and why she is supporting a campaign to make it more accessible.

Lisa told the magazine: ‘I’m part of the Menopause Mandate campaign calling for HRT to be free on the NHS in England, like it is in Scotland and Wales.

‘Since I went into perimenopause at 44, HRT has really helped me, but there’s still some stigma around taking it – much like talking about the menopause in general.’

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Brave: In quotes obtained by The Sun , she recalled being left with a black eye, broken arm and bruises from her attacker when she was just 19-years-old

Brave: In quotes obtained by The Sun , she recalled being left with a black eye, broken arm and bruises from her attacker when she was just 19-years-old


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