Home Entertainment This Morning viewers convinced terrified Josie Gibson swears live on air

This Morning viewers convinced terrified Josie Gibson swears live on air



This Morning viewers were treated to some fun on Thursday when Josie Gibson went on a 360 degree swing on the cliffside of Blackgang Chine in the Isle Of Wight. 

Josie, 38, was trying out the brand new ride – Extinction at Britain’s oldest amusement park, which is 180 years old. 

She was so scared that fans of the show were convinced she swore live on air while screaming her head off and yelling that she was going to be sick. 

And it did appear to be the case as she suddenly realised her error and clasped her hands over her mouth in shock. 

Alison Hammond could be heard in the background, saying: ‘Oh my days’ as she watched Josie completely scared out of her wits.  

Did she just drop the F-bomb? This Morning were convinced terrified Josie Gibson swore live on air on This Morning on Thursday while on a ride in the Isle Of Wight

Did she just drop the F-bomb? This Morning were convinced terrified Josie Gibson swore live on air on This Morning on Thursday while on a ride in the Isle Of Wight

Oh no! Josie put her head in her hands – and stopped holding the bars for a moment, when she realised her error 

Josie said: ‘This has been the worst one yet. When you go off, you feel like you’re flying off the edge of a cliff. It really did my stomach in.’

MailOnline has contacted a spokesperson for This Morning for more information. 

Viewers watching the moment wrote on Twitter: ‘She didn’t go silent. She used the F-bomb.’

‘Josie dropping the F-bomb has made my day.’ 

‘Did @Josiestweet just drop the “F” bomb live on air? I’m sure she said ‘f***ing hell.’ 

The segment came amid a scandal at ITV which saw Phillip Schofield, 61, quitting the channel and being dropped by his talent agency YMU after admitting to an affair with a young male This Morning colleague.

Phillip admitted to an affair with a younger male colleague, which he claimed was ‘unwise but not illegal’, in a lengthy statement released, in which he also apologised to his wife and family.

The ‘unwise’ relationship took place during his nearly 30-year marriage to his wife Stephanie, 59, and Phillip said he was ‘so very sorry’ for being unfaithful.

Stephanie, who shares two kids Ruby, 27, and Molly, 29, with Phillip, issued a statement when her husband came out as gay in a moving This Morning segment in 2020.

Brave woman: Josie, 38, was trying out the brand new ride – Extinction, at Blackgang Chine, Britain’s oldest amusement park, which is 180 years old

Goodness me! Viewers were delighted by Josie's accidental slip-up

Goodness me! Viewers were delighted by Josie’s accidental slip-up

Bombshell: It comes after host Phillip Schofield, 61, quit ITV and was dropped by his talent agency YMU after admitting to an affair with a young male This Morning colleague

Bombshell: It comes after host Phillip Schofield, 61, quit ITV and was dropped by his talent agency YMU after admitting to an affair with a young male This Morning colleague 

ITV launches external investigation into Schofield affair: Letter to staff in full 

Tonight ITV bosses announced an external inquiry looking into Schofield’s affair with a much younger colleague would take place.

This is the full letter sent to ITV staff from its chief people officer David Osborne, which has been seen by the Daily Mail:

‘Whilst we are extremely mindful of our duty of care and confidentiality to all concerned, I know you have your own questions on this matter. So to clarify, the individual was concerned when he was first employed at ITV, having completed work experience the previous year. He subsequently secured a promotion through an open recruitment process before leaving in 2021.

‘We have taken this matter extremely seriously and have reviewed how we have handled this issue, including how we investigated the rumours when they arose in late 2019/early 2020 when both parties were questioned and both categorically and repeatedly denied the rumours and subsequent follow ups.

‘The relationships we have with those we work with are based on trust. Phillip made assurances to us and others which he now acknowledges were untrue and we feel badly let down.

‘We believe the approach we have taken to be the right one taking into account all of the circumstances. Today we have set up an externally led review to establish the facts, review our records and talk to people involved. This work will also consider our relevant processes and policies and whether we need to change or strengthen any. This work will be carried out as quickly as possible and we will of course be happy to share the findings.’

Phillip stepped down from his This Morning hosting duties last weekend after more than 20 years on the airwaves before confirming the affair in a statement to the Daily Mail on Friday.

He has also resigned from ITV. He has also been dropped by his agents at YMU ‘with immediate effect’.

In a statement, the former ITV presenter said: ‘I am making this statement via the Daily Mail, to whom I have already apologised personally for misleading, through my lawyer who I also misled, about a story [sic] which they wanted to write about me a few days ago.

‘The first thing I want to say is: I am deeply sorry for having lied to them, and to many others about a relationship that I had with someone working on This Morning.

‘I did have a consensual on-off relationship with a younger male colleague at This Morning.

‘Contrary to speculation, whilst I met the man when he was a teenager and was asked to help him to get into television, it was only after he started to work on the show that it became more than a just a friendship.

‘That relationship was unwise, but not illegal. It is now over…

‘I am painfully conscious that I have lied to my employers at ITV, to my colleagues and friends, to my agents, to the media and therefore the public and most importantly of all to my family. I am so very, very sorry, as I am for having been unfaithful to my wife…

‘I am resigning from ITV with immediate effect, expressing my immense gratitude to them for all the amazing opportunities that they have given me.

‘I will reflect on my very bad judgement in both participating in the relationship and then lying about it.’

After his statement, an ITV spokesman said: ‘We are deeply disappointed by the admissions of deceit made tonight by Phillip Schofield.

‘The relationships we have with those we work with are based on trust. Philip made assurances to us which he now acknowledges were untrue and we feel badly let down.

‘We accept his resignation from ITV and therefore can confirm that he will not be appearing on ITV as had previously been stated.’

Following his statement, Phillip has also parted company with his management team YMU after 35 years.

Mary Bekhait, the Group CEO of YMU Group, said: ‘Honesty and integrity are core values for YMU’s whole business, defining everything we do.

‘Talent management is a relationship based entirely on trust.

‘This week, we have learned important new information about our client Phillip Schofield.

‘These facts contradicted what Phillip had previously told YMU, as well as the external advisors we had brought in to support him.

‘As a result, on Thursday we agreed to part company with Phillip, with immediate effect.’


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