Home Business Promotional Pens – An Ideal Tool For Marketing?

Promotional Pens – An Ideal Tool For Marketing?


Most people might have seen or even used promotional pens. It is where a brand instills its logo or name and provides it as a complimentary gift to customers and employees. Companies and businesses get customised products from Simply Merchandise where you could buy promotional lanyards, Australia and various other products in Australia. However, read on further to find out why promotional pens, Simply Merchandise could be the ideal marketing tool.

1. They are easy, light & cheap

Pens are affordable and one of the best promotional materials any company could offer to the customers and employees. It could be included with any materials that are sent out to clients and customers. If any catalogue or paperwork needs to be sent, you could include some things along with the package. Every time something is sold or shipped, the person who uses it gets familiar with the logo. Pens are easier to promote and reach out to clients. As they are so cheap, they could be distributed without much worry. When larger promotional items like articles of clothing or bags are made and there is a budget available, pens won’t be required.

2. Always on Demand

When it comes to signing legal documents or so, pen on paper is still valid and is better than photocopies or digital signatures. A real signature, in many cases, is considered official. When it comes to reaching out for a pen, most people would be momentarily happy to see a pen at the right time. However, making use of promotional pens every time would not be a good idea for a brand or business.

3. Wide range of options

There are a wide variety of pens that could become promotional items and could be easily customised.  If the business focuses on fixing and correcting the problem, you could make red pens that are customized with which people would associate with your brand. If you are in financial or investment areas, you like to create promotional pens that are of high quality and executive level. If you aim at quantity, you could customise pens that have a unique grip or shape or are cheap.

4. Branding gets passed around

Promotional pens don’t stay for a long time in one place. If you are in the pharmaceutical industry, you could provide a pen to doctors. It could be used by a patient to sign, by the doctor to write a prescription or schedule a consultation. When a customer touches it, they get conscious about your brand. This would make an impact on the brand and the consumer would prefer to use the products and services of that brand. The pen might end up moving from home to office or to somewhere else. This might provide the extra promotion needed for the brand with very little effort.

5. No one rejects such promotion

When you are handing out important files to customers, there are high chances that they may not like the work and reject them. Instead of spending money on promotional items that go directly to the dustbin, try handing over promotional pens. No person would throw it away unless it has stopped working.


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